Lance Smith started riding dirt bikes at age 10 on the classic Honda XL70. In his mid-20s, he began racing in the Mid-South area and won his first two races. After that, he was hooked, and has been racing ever since. He’s been involved in motorcycles for over 40 years, with a semi-pro career spanning three decades.


Like a lot of dirt bike racers, Lance had his share of injuries. The majority fo the injuries related to his hands, wrists and knees. He began a quest to reduce vibration and impacts to those areas.  In 2012, Lance began work on a footpeg idea that, through a lot of trial and error, became the Spurz Foot Pegs we offer today.

In 2014, Lance Smith developed an idea for a completely free-floating handlebar mount with no metal-to-metal contact. He wanted a handlebar mount that would absorb impact and vibrations in 360 degrees of movement. That idea evolved into our MAKO360 mount, and our design continues to evolve and improve.

With thousands of rider hours in testing and refinement, Lance released our flagship product, the MAKO 360, in 2016. Since then, it’s gotten worldwide attention for its innovative design. The MAKO 360 and SPURZ are now used and loved by racing professionals and amateur riders alike around the world. 

What’s next for Lance? Lance continues to improve the structure and durability current XCGEAR products while developing new solutions. He spends a lot of his time working with riders and manufacturing but product testing is his favorite pastime.

"There's nothing special about me, but I have been blessed with some special people in my life.”